Princess Meets The Navy In Malta (1949)

Full title reads: “Princess Meets The Navy In Malta“. Malta. LV elevated crew lined up on flight deck of HMS Glory. SV Bunting. CU White ensign. SV Elevated royal pinnace arriving alongside. SV Naval officers lined up. MV Guns of Glory firing salute. SV Guns firing salute. LV Elizabeth arriving at top of gangplank. GV Crew lining deck of Glory. Princess, accompanied by Admiral Power, etc. rising to deck level on aircraft lift. CU of various Royal Marines. LV Princess commences inspection of Royal Marines. CU along line of sailors. LV Elizabeth, accompanied by others, inspecting marines. CU Sailor. LV Elevated Elizabeth with others inspecting naval personnel. LV Princess and party descending on aircraft lift. CU Royal Marine. MV Marines lining deck of aircraft carrier HMS Glory. Pan to Royal Pinnace in Malta harbour. Prince’s Gate, London. Queen Elizabeth visits Embroidery exhibition. SV Queen Elizabeth (later Queen Mother) presenting teacher’s diploma to Miss Theresa Bridgeman, at Royal School o
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