254 - Two Allies The Beast and its Image / In the Stream of Time - Walter Veith
Antichrist revealed! Discover the antichrist and its ally, the lamb-like beast who makes the world worship an image of the beast. Understanding the antichrist is made easy in this verse-by-verse study of Revelation 13. Who is the first beast of Revelation 13, which has the same characteristics of Daniel 7’s little horn power? Why does the first beast of Revelation 13 have parts of the four beasts of Daniel 7? What’s the connection?
How will the world be deceived into worshiping the dragon? The first beast of Revelation 13 is said to have the names of blasphemy upon its heads. What is the Bible’s definition of blasphemy? Which beast kingdom is a persecuting power which dominates the whole world? What was the mortal wound that the beast received? How was the mortal wound healed?
Is the mark of the beast a literal, physical mark? What is the underlying issue surrounding the mark of the beast? Could the movement for Sunday as a day of rest and a day free from commerce have anything to do with these things? What encouraging message does the story of Daniel’s three friends and the fiery furnace have for God’s people who will courageously stand during the reign of the antichrist in the last days?
These questions and others will be answered in this in-depth study of Revelation 13.
Overview of Revelation 13:1-5 0:36
What is Blasphemy? What is Papal Infallibility? 8:12
1260 Year Prophecy 13:15
Healing the Wound Revelation 13:7 17:09
The funeral of Pope John Paul II 20:11
Revelation 13:9, 10 Explained 23:22
Who is the beast of Revelation 13? 28:45
Is USA the beast of Revelation 13? 31:02
All Presidents come from the Royal Family 43:53
Vicarius Filii Dei equals 666. Is the Pope the antichrist? 45:30
What is the mark of the beast? 55:56
Sunday as a day of universal rest 58:28
The Lords Day Alliance, Germany, and European Union Law 1:02:56
Alliance between labor unions and parliament for Sunday rest 1:09:59
Sunday law to make Sunday a rest day 1:12:12
Rick Santorum & Opus Dei 1:21:47
The New World Order & Sunday Rest 1:25:10
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