We meet. Poet of the world. Natalie Bisso, Germany. Встречаем поэта из Германии. Натали Биссо

Natalie Bisso, Germany, Bisso Natali, Germany. Poet, novelist, essayist, songwriter. Author of 9 author’s collections and one electronic collection of poems, more than 100 songs (collaborates with musicians and performers from different countries: Germany, Russia, Greece, Canada, Israel, Ukraine), co-author of more than 50 international almanacs, 8 international ANTHOLOGIES with translations of poems into different languages of the world, including NEPAL, Serbia, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Germany, etc., has also been published in more than 70 newspapers and magazines of different countries. The poems have been translated into 25 languages. He takes part in the literary life of different countries. Honorary figure of world literature and arts with the assignment of a silver badge. Academician of two Academies: the International Academy of Russian Literature (MARS); Academician, full member of the International Academy for the Development of Literature and Art (MARLI) / International Academy for the Develo
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