Cosmic Agency Friends - Extraterrestrial Direct Contact

Hello friends! In this short video I am making a personal call to all of you, friends of our work, to help spread the word about Mari Swaruu´s channel. She has been posting daily videos for a year now, and with so many people out there yearning for ET disclosure, her videos should be reaching them. At least letting them know she exists! They all should know. This is the base text you can include with your link as you go sharing it on the social media platforms. Change it around as you please, or preferibly use your own one, so it looks more genuine: “Hello all of you ET and UFO disclosure enthusiasts! Did you know that for a year already, we have had an extraterrestrial young person, Mari Swaruu, making videos daily on her Youtube channel SWARUU OFICIAL? Yes, it´s a Youtube channel made and run directly by her from the Taygetan Pleiadian starship in the orbit of the Earth! She makes videos every day, one day in Spanish and then in English, on all sorts of topics,
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