Classic Restoration Of Decayed Tooth By Root Canal And Gold Crown.

Classic Restoration Of Decayed Tooth By Root Canal And Gold Crown. This video shows the restoration of the lower first molar tooth which is having the severe decay or caries and needs to be treated without extraction. This type of tooth can be easily saved by the root canal treatment and the crown and my reason of making this video is the same to aware the people about their teeth that even if you have this much of tooth decay, your tooth can be restored back and their is no need of extraction. Contents in this video. 00:00 Introduction. 00:12 Taking Pre-Operative Radiograph. 00:17 Local Anaesthesia. 00:25 Removing Tooth Caries. 01:25 Rubber Dam Application. 01:28 Locating Root Canal Orifices. 01:34 Removing Infected Pulp. 01:45 Enlarging Root Canal Orifices. 02:03 Disinfecting Root Canals. 02:12 Measuring Length of All The Root Canals Using Electronic Apex Locater. 02:59 Shaping Root Canals To Full Working Length. 03:18 Cleaning Root Canals Using Ultrasonics.
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