Online concert Orchestra Safonov solois Nikita Boriso-Glebsky conductor Anatoly Rybalko

ONLINE BROADCAST The North Caucasian State Philharmonic named after V. I. Safonov presents the program of the Academic Symphony Orchestra conducted by A. Rybalko, soloist -Honoured Artist of Russia N. Boriso-Glebsky (violin): G. Kancheli (1935 - 2019) Symphony No. 5 (1977) A.I. Khachaturian. Concerto for violin and orchestra in d-moll, (1940) The Fifth Symphony is one of Kancheli’s most tragic works, dedicated to the memory of his parents: images of loneliness, irretrievable memories, fragile and defenseless beauty resisting the onslaught of brute force. A. Khachaturian about the Violin Concerto: “I wrote music, as if on the crest of a wave of happiness, all being in joy: I was expecting the birth of my son! And this state of inspiration, intoxication with life turned into music. Alexey Shor (1970) Violin Concerto “Phantasms“ “For me, the music of Alexey Shor is a feeling of overwhelming peace and harmony, it sounds very pleasant“ - such is the assessment of the
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