The ULTIMATE Movement Guide for Titanfall 2
The best (and last) movement tutorial you’ll ever need for Titanfall 2.
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zweek’s frag boost tutorial:
Titanfall 2 Speedrun Discord:
0:00 Introduction and Overview
1:35 Bindings and Sens
3:24 Sliding
4:12 Slidehopping
4:52 Bhopping
5:33 Airstrafing
7:39 Strafe Lurch
9:59 Tapstrafing
11:35 Lurchless Double Jumps
13:21 Walls Introduction
13:36 Rules of the Wall
14:37 Wall Jump Arc
15:09 Lurchless Wall Jumps
15:46 Wallkicks
18:00 Strafe Kicks
19:19 Neutral Strafe Kicks
20:20 Double Wallkick
21:11 Wall bumps
22:02 Coyote Time
22:30 Edge Boost
23:13 End Boost
23:50 Forced End Boost
24:26 Crouched Forced End Boost
25:25 Crouch Tech Keybinds
26:11 Crouch Kicks