Lady Caroline Lamb. Richard Rodney Bennett

Caroline Ponsonby (Sarah Miles) accepts a marriage proposal from William Lamb (Jon Finch). Despite the misgivings of his mother, the marriage seems happy enough at first, a love match, but on their honeymoon in Italy William becomes concerned about Lady Caroline’s wilful behaviour. Back in England William is seen as a political “coming man“, respected by parliamentarians both Whig and Tory. Meanwhile Lady Caroline meets the poverty stricken Lord Byron (Richard Chamberlain). Then, Lady Caroline and Byron begin a scandalous affair. Richard Rodney Bennett was born at Broadstairs, Kent, but was raised in Devon during World War II. He later studied at the Royal Academy of Music and he was regarded as extraordinarily brilliant, having perhaps the greatest talent of any British composer in his generation. Bennett produced over 200 works for the concert hall, and 50 scores for film and television. While Robert Bolt’s picture about the lady poet is pretty much forgotten, Bennett’s music lives on. It’s a wonderful chamber piece, with a haunting melody, and a dash of pomp. “Honeymoon in Italy“ is a fabulous concert piece on its own.
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