20 MIN Dumbbell Full Body Workout - Compound Movements | NO REPEAT

A perfect no repeat full body workout involves compound movements that affect many muscles within each rep! Quads, hamstrings, glutes, shoulders, back and chest will be placed under load in this session. The biceps & triceps, core and abdominal muscles are all required to assist in performing these movements. All you will need for this workout is some weights and your mat! The dumbbells I am using for your reference are 2 x 15kg each for most of the workout. Towards the end, I will also use 2 x dumbbells for the shoulders and abs portion! The timer will be on for 40 seconds per exercise, followed by 20 seconds of rest for most of this session. However, the abs & core specific at the end is simply 60 seconds in duration, each with no clear rest in between the two last exercises. 2 x 15kg SINGLE ARM BENT OVER ROW SWITCH SIDE! FRONT RACK SQUAT CHEST PRESS STATIC LUNGE (one side) SWITCH SIDE! RENEGADE ROW ALTERNATING REAR LUNGES PULLOVER RDL PUSH UPS 1 x 15kg CLOSE STANCE SQUAT 2 x SHOULDER PRESS REAR STEP FWD LEAN LUNGE (one side) SWITCH SIDE! 2 x LAT SWEEPS 1 x 15kg GOBLET SQUAT 2 x UPRIGHT ROW 60/no rest 2 x ALTERNATING DEADBUG 60 1 x TOE REACH TO LEG LOWER This is a great, shorter duration and efficient session to work all the major muscle groups in the body to promote muscle building. Perfect for regularly returning when you have 20 minutes and want a solid full body session. I hope you treat each set with intensity and intention…and you’ll have a super session! Cx
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