[PSX] Tomb Raider 3, Antarctica; ECTS 1998 Demo

Notable differences compared to the final version: - There are a few areas that aren’t completely separated from each other, creating a more open environment (with noticeable frame skipping as a result). These include: cantine section to kennel section (1:29), tower section to compound section (9:39), generator section to clamping door section (14:13). - There are see-through windows everywhere, adding to the open atmosphere. - The door to the generator room is different and opens automatically when standing near it (1:16). - There are extra dogs in the kennel section (2:23). - The gates in kennel section don’t require the generator to be powered on (2:58). - The kennel section leads you to a crowbar and not the gate control key (4:17). - The connection between the kennel section and the cantine section is bigger/more open (4:48). - The boat is shaped/coloured differently and behaves similarly to the TR2 one (but is very bouncy). Note: the boat was placed on the map by us for
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