2024-05-10 30 MINS || Vacation Vore || Horrible Honeymoon

The story begins with Nadya gazing out of her window, her stomach growling with hunger as she searches for potential prey. She notices two individuals who appear to be lost and decides to open her window and invite them in. Upon reaching her door, Nadya inquires about how they ended up in her backyard. The couple explains that they are newlyweds on vacation, unfortunately separated from their belongings and room key, which is with their mother-in-law. Nadya kindly invites them inside, insisting they use her phone and make themselves comfortable. She even speaks to the mother-in-law to assure her that the newlyweds are safe under her care. However, there is a sinister undertone to Nadya’s demeanor. Instead of using endearing terms like “sweet,“ she repeatedly refers to them as “delicious.“ Despite this, the couple mistakenly places their trust in her, believing her intentions to be pure. Nadya separates the pair and engages in conversation with the husband first. She discovers his immense love for sweets and coincidentally happens to have an assortment of pastries, cakes, and chocolates readily available. She encourages him to indulge as much as he desires while she checks on his wife. Nadya’s first victim is the wife. It is time for her to be devoured. Nadya mentions her recent weight loss and becomes infuriated. She considers this victim to be insignificant, akin to devouring a mere crumb. However, the wife proves to be a formidable opponent, putting up a fight before ultimately succumbing to Nadya’s grasp. Now, it is the husband’s turn. Nadya is even more excited for him. He was too busy stuffing himself to even hear his wife’s fate. With chocolate smeared all over his face and hands, he will taste incredibly sweet as he goes down her throat. She devours him and he feels like a brick in her belly since he stuffed himself so much. And the best part is yet to come - the final meal, the plump mother.
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