Warren Report On Kennedy Assassination (1964)

Unissued / Unused material - Title reads: “Historic Investigation - Warren Commission Report On Kennedy Assassination“. American voiceovered newsreel material. Washington DC, United States of America (USA). LS White House through railings. MS Justice Warren heading his seven man Warren Commission enters the White House. MS Justice Warren handing large thick book which is the Warren Report to President Lyndon Baines Johnson. CU Cover of book on the President John F Kennedy Assassination. CU Still of President Kennedy. Zoom in and dissolve. VS The Kennedy motorcade moving through streets of Dallas just prior to the assassination. Kennedy waves from open car. VS From a car following the President’s and as the assassination takes place the camera swings onto the crowd to see people laying on ground to evade any gunshots, a father stoops over his child to protect it. VS People on street crying and reading about the assassination in newspapers. MS Lee Harvey Oswald being led through corridor at Dallas Cou
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