PokerStars Supernova Elite Kevin “WizardOfAhhs“ Thurman Playing 24 Cash Tables

PokerStars Team Online Pro WizardOfAhhs demonstrates how he plays 24 cash tables (the maximum allowed on PokerStars) on his grind station. His computer setup includes 5 monitors in total; two 24“, two 20“, and one 30“. He uses the wireless Logitech Number Pad in his left hand for hotkeys, and a Logitech Trackman mouse in his right. WizardOfAhhs is a poker coach on the Supernova Elite training site . The blog that accompanies this video is located here: I’ve also had many requests for my desktop wallpaper after posting this video, it can be found in my UG blog here: The music in this video is “Logos“ by Rodrigo y Gabriela.
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