Jesus of Urantia (3) The Life Carriers P3 of 5

*MELCHIZEDEK LIFE CARRIERS* AND *THE SEVEN ADJUTANT MIND-SPIRITS* In every local system of inhabited worlds throughout Nebadon there is a single sphere whereon the Melchizedeks have functioned as life carriers. These abodes are known as the system midsonite worlds, and on each of them a materially modified Melchizedek Son has mated with a selected Daughter of the material order of sonship. The Mother Eves of such midsonite worlds are dispatched from the system headquarters of jurisdiction, having been chosen by the designated Melchizedek life carrier from among the numerous volunteers who respond to the call of the System Sovereign addressed to the Material Daughters of his sphere. according to The Urantia Book. / Music Artist : Relaxation Reading Music. / Album : Music for reading-Music to Enhance Concentration. / Compositeur : Giuliano Sacchetto.
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