The Stone Returns (1951)

London and Arbroath, Scotland. GV. Exterior of Westminster Abbey, & SV. LV. Man looking at Coronation chair inside the Abbey. CU. Man pointing to where the Stone of Scone used to be and up to broken corner of seat. CU. Broken corner of seat. SV. Stone of Scone in Arbroath Abbey, Scotland, & CU. SV. Notice ’Welcome to Arbroath’. GV. Exterior, Arbroath Abbey. SV. Ruins of Abbey. SV. Angle shot ruins of Abbey. GV. Exterior of Abbey. SV. Towards, councillors Thornton and Gardner walking outside Abbey. CU. Councillors Thornton and Gardner, Thornton talks. He says: “We are approached, Mr Gardner and I, to act as intermediaries to facilitate the return of the Stone of Destiny to the Scottish people and to their King. To that end we acted and in a passive capacity and helped without question the people who approached us.“ GV. Through gateway, interior of Abbey. CU. Custodian of Abbey, Mr Wishart. LV. Abbey custodian walking back to hut. SV. Ruins of Abroath Abbey. GV. Exterior of Abbey. SV. Spires of
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