Ice Nine Kills - Communion of the Cursed (vocal cover - my vocals only)

Ice Nine Kills Communion of the Cursed This cover is my vocals only. No covers next week, spending time with family for the holidays :) This cover was a suggestion on Patreon, really enjoyed how this one turned out! Almost to 20k subscribers, thank you guys that’s crazy! Started out doing these completely for the hell of it and I never thought this would become something. Appreciate the support. To vote on Metalcore Monday covers, head to my Instagram and vote on the poll in my story! @Christian_VOTS (there won’t be a poll this week since time off for Christmas) Support on Patreon SOCIAL...S: Instagram - Twitter - -------------------------------- If you’d like to set up one-on-one vocal lessons to learn how to scream, send me an email! \m/ christian@ If your band wants help with
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