The US People’s Convoy is en route from CA to DC: “We aim to win.“ | LiveFEED®

See full coverage on our website: The US People’s Convoy is starting the route to the nation’s capital. Initially, the Convoy movement originated in Canada in response to the new federal vaccine mandate that came into effect for cross-border truck drivers on January 15th. The new rule requires unvaccinated Canadian truck drivers that return to Canada to get tested for COVID-19 and isolate for 14 days. Additionally, the new federal mandate will also not allow unvaccinated foreign national truck drivers to cross the border into Canada. January 22nd, the same mandate came into force in the US. Experts warn that both of these mandates are causing even more disruptions to the supply chain of both countries, inflating the prices further. The protest started by Canadian truck drivers has quickly grown into an international movement, with Convoys organized all over the globe, including Brazil, Argentina, USA, Den
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