“Will Hay - the Schoolmaster laughter-maker at the recent Command Performance.“ “When the cat’s away the mice will play - “
A young schoolboy stands at a blackboard and draws an unflattering cartoon of his teacher. The boy wears a mortar board. An old man gets up from a school desk and laughs about it. The boy then puts some ink on the cloth that the teacher will use to clean the board. The two sit together at their desks. (Section missing here?) Will Hay stands at the board in his teacher’s outfit. (The board is now clean). He begins to write something on the board. It is illegible until he turns the board upside down to reveal that it says: “Silence in this school.“ Hay has black ink all around his mouth so presumably some funny business with the inky rag is missing. The boy puts his hand up to ask or answer a question. He then opens the classroom door to reveal a woman waiting outside. She comes into the class. C/U of Hay looking like a madman with ink all over his chops and a small pair