The Stars As They Are - Miss Madge Saunders And Mr Leslie Henson (1921)

Madge Saunders looks from a window wondering where Leslie Henson has got to. She spots him sitting in the garden drinking what is probably an alcoholic drink. He is sitting in a deck chair and reading a script. Madge comes into the garden. Leslie is laughing out loud at what he is reading. Intertitle reads: “Never mind your new play, Leslie - you must show the visitors our goat farm“. Madge pulls him from his deck chair. C/U of Leslie putting something into his glass of whiskey (?). Madge and Leslie feed a baby goat - a kid - with some straw. Leslie brings a bucket and splashes water on the kid. They have a game of tennis but we only see Madge play. Tea is served by maids on the patio of a house. A nice family group. Leslie comes up swinging his tennis racquet. An Intertitle reads; “It even tempted our cameraman from his camera.“ but we do not see the cameraman take tea. Story incomplete. Was an item in Eve’s Film Review issue 11. Safety print exists - show print. Will probably
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