osu! archive | WubWoofWolf | Hatsune Miku - Hatsune Miku no Shuuen [Demise] HDDT #1

============== Ссылка на карту - Пост с картой - ??? ============== Discussion Thread for this score: Why this play? 420 BPM, 2010 map, DJPop. Those three things summarize this play more than anything else could. A map filled with archaic linear patterns, hard to aim sliders, and a grueling 420bpm deathstack at the end, this map is nothing to scoff at. Very few people have come close to replicating this score, and the ones that have, have accuracies that come nowhere close to that of wolf’s. Enjoy! [Text by Jehlp from discussion thread above!] ------------------------------------------------------ WubWoofWolf Profile: WubWoofWolf Skin: | Click “Show more“ for an explanation what the hell this video and game is all about! Map: --------------------------------------------
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