The Climate Truth with Paul Burgess | COMING 22ND JUNE

One of the biggest lies of our time, and one that has been and will continue to be used to justify more and more draconian impositions and control on our everyday lives. Climate expert and scientist Paul Burgess carefully picks apart the argument of human caused climate change, and exposes the lies and manipulation of the data by the alarmists. None of their predictions and fear tactics have come true, and we’re here to give you some great news that the alarmists are wrong, and that human caused climate change is nothing more than a scam designed to justify more control. Please share far and wide. Ickonic is a home for free thinkers and those seeking the answers to life’s biggest questions. We cover censored and marginalised subjects that others are too scared to engage with. We expose hidden secrets, shine lights on cover-ups and ask questions that no one else will. Start your 7-day free trial with us today – Find Ickonic online, android and IOS mobile apps, Roku, Fire TV, Android TV and Samsung TV (North America Only) Support our cause to empower and awaken humanity here
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