Факторы способствующие Внетелесному опыту (ВТО) | Factors Contributing to Out-of-Body Experience OBE

Factors Contributing to Out-of-Body Experience (OBE) / Lecture 5 with English subtitles from practitioner Andrey Sherbakov. You can set subtitles on and off in the YouTube player by pressing the tuning wheel at the bottom right of the video player. Пятая лекция с английскими субтитрами по теме внетелесного опыта практика Андрея ЩЕРБАКОВА. Факторы способствующие Внетелесному опыту (ВТО) | Лекция 5 Step by step, we move on to the practice itself. But there is still a little theory, or rather the urgent need to get acquainted with the conditions of such an exciting space game. Do you exactly meet the parameters that the author claims to set you off on a journey to Infinity? There are clear criteria for the success of the proposed practice. Without knowing them, you are wasting precious time. From the fifth lecture one to know Factors influencing success in out-of-body travel practice experience: - age; - no bad habits; - going beyond of orthodoxy; - sincere desire; - patience; - awareness of immortality; - la
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