Symbiote Spider-Man Statue Painting | Black Suit Variant Sculpture

NEW VIDEO: Sculpting Legendary Dragons in Polymer Clay | Lindwurm VS Gluhschwanz ► This is my take on the black symbiote suit. It depicts an older Peter Parker who has embraced his dark side and learned to live with the symbiote. The sculpture was sculpted by hand in 1/6th scale using Monster Clay, then cast in resin and painted with spray paint and acrylics. If you enjoy my videos and wish to support this channel, become one of my patrons and you can benefit from exclusive rewards like shout-outs at the end of my videos, tips and tricks, work critiques and private lessons. PATREON ► Follow me on Facebook and Instagram for more content: FACEBOOK ► INSTAGRAM ► E-mail: ► craftyart2017@ Music Credits: 00:00 - 00:30 DAGMA - SPIDER-MAN EPIC MEDLEY ORCHESTRAL COVER ht
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