Lesson 15: Back Step Undulations “JBelly Juicy Hip Series” | Bellydance w/ @jbellyburn
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Lesson 15: JBelly Juicy Hip Series: Back step with Lower Belly Undulation!
“Make sure to take lesson 3 before learning with me here. We are taking that Juicy Lower Belly Undulation and giving it direction, making it more dynamic with levels! Feel free to stay flat footed and keep it simple with one undulation or spice things up by using your relive and plié as well as changing your focus and number of undulations used. This step is versatile and gorgeous!! Let me know how you do in the comments and what you want to learn next!!!”
JBelly School of RAQ: Bellydance
I offer classes, performances and more via Zoom, In-Studio in New York city and global. My goal is to provide affordable professional classes for any level dancer no matter where you live! I can’t wait to dance with you!
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2 weeks ago 00:23:43 1
Крах демократии в Звездных войнах: кто правит в далекой галактике