Crankin’ It Up on the ULTIMATE 3-String Shovel Guitar!

🎧 To support this channel & get exclusive content & perks: After building hundreds of these shovel guitars, I’ve actually never kept one for myself... I always end up selling the one I’m playing after a show, and then build a new one. When a tattoo artist contacted me on Instagram ( @santatintagreece on IG ), wanting to paint one of my guitars for me... I sent him a blank shovel, and he created a masterpiece on it! Around the same time, I was contacted by LeROCKSKIN Guitar Straps, in Italy, who wanted to make me a custom strap. I checked out their work and they can do ANYTHING, so I sent them some images of the artwork SantaTinta had done on my new shovel guitar to see if they could match it in leather. The whole process took 9 months, and the help of several artists from around the world.. but now I have the ULTIMATE SHOVEL GUITAR! I figured the best way to take it for it’s first ride around the block, would be to go ba
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