Black Triangular Shaped UFO Spotted Hovering Over Islamabad In Pakistan. January 25, 2022

The witness stated the following: “I saw this when I was landing my drone, it hovered for over 2 hours at this spot when eventually it got dark and I couldn’t see it anymore.“ When asked if he had seen it move or leave he replied “It did move but very slowly, never left the area, saw until the sky went completely dark. It had no lights nor was it reflecting the sunlight much.“ He added “This was around hours before the sunset, Saw this from my roof top.“ When asked about the drone he had, this was his reply “I was landing my drone when I saw it, unfortunately had no juice in it or else I could...’ve taken some epic footage!!“ Indeed, that would have been some great footage... Thanks to Arslan Warraich for allowing me the use of this footage and to view the original, unedited footage: Music Credit: Digital Shift by Send footage
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