The establishment has been aware of the existnce of extraterrestrials since the 1940’s and 50’s, but have neglected to inform the the general public... they are slowly releasing certain information to get people open to the idea that the planet is being visited by extraterrestrials. One way they are doing this is through entertainment. They give you some fiction,but they also mix it with alot of fruth... Here are some of the movies and tv shows that have come out.
Mac and Me , StarWars, Gremlins, E.T, Communion, Battle Star Galactica,
Cocoon, Alien1,2.3, Close Encounters, Time Cop, Mork and Mindy, K-Pax, MIB (men in black)
Star Trek, Star Gate, Creature From the Black Lagoon, Avatar, Elysium, Voyage to the Center of the Earth, Independence Day, Millenium