2000 Year Old BANNED Bible Chapter Revealed TERRIFYING Knowledge About The Human Race
2000 Year Old BANNED Bible Chapter Revealed TERRIFYING Knowledge About The Human Race
The book of Enoch is forbidden from the Bible for its documentation of sensual fallen angels, violent giants, strange cosmology, and world-changing revelations. Even though its scriptures recorded events from before the birth to the ministry of Jesus, it has caused a lot of debate over the years on why it is not included in today’s Bible, and some biblical scholars do not consider the book to be divinely inspired. After the disappearance of its original pages, the 2000-year-old part of the book of Enoch was found in Abyssinia, Ethiopia, in 1773, and it’s terrifying knowledge about the human race, like a lot of doom, has been included in the scriptures of the Ethiopian Christian sect. How terrifying can these books be? Join us as we delve into the 2000-year-old Bible that revealed its lost chapter with shocking knowledge about the human race.
The book of Enoch.
In 1946 or early 1947, some Bedouin