MASSIVE Warhammer 40k Space Marines vs World Eaters Battle Report | 8888 PTS

See my chaos-inspired miniatures I’m making: Dave battles Skari in this outstanding battle where Khorne’s sacred number 8 runs rampant, victory pts are achieved through the spilling of blood and skulls are collected. It’s an epic fight to the last in this slaughter fest! Who shall come out victorious? 0:00 Epic Intro 0:46 Armies mustered 1:37 Custom Scenario explanation 3:26 A Vow to the Emperor 3:55 Roll off - who goes first? 4:11 World Eaters Turn 1 5:32 WE T1 shooting phase (from Khorne?) 8:00 Black Templars Turn 1 9:10 BT T1 movement phase 10:18 BT T1 shooting phase 14:38 BT T1 charge/fight phase 19:58 Turn 1 Recap Battleplans 20:37 Turn 2 Key Objective 21:07 World Eaters Turn 2 22:02 WE T2 Shooting phase 27:28 WE T2 Charge/KHORNE Phase 36:04 Black Templars Turn 2 38:12 BT T2 Shooting phase 45:41 BT T2 Charge/Fight Phase 52:33 Turn 2 Recap Battleplans 53:2
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