Newspaper Article - CPE Writing - What Life Skills Should be included in School Curriculums?
Task type: Article
Question: A newspaper that you read regularly is conducting a campaign to encourage schools to teach more relevant subjects, or ’life’ skills. Its editor has asked readers to write short articles based on the following question:
What essential topics do you wish had been included in the school curriculum when you were a pupil?
Write the article for the editor of the newspaper.
To quote Malcolm X, “education is the passport to the future for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.“ Since we generally accept the conventional wisdom that education is supposed to be preparation for the future and for the real world, what else should schools nowadays incorporate in their curriculums to ensure that students are well-equipped to deal with their lives WHEN THEY STRIKE OUT ON THEIR OWN? If I were to reflect on the topics that I think young people need to learn about, I would choose the following.
First of all, I would include social skills as a key part of the school curriculum.
Social skills, often referred to as “interpersonal skills” and “soft skills”, are imperative for people regardless of age, social status OR economic classes; not only could SAID SKILL enhance our ability to communicate our thoughts accurately and efficiently, but they might also empower us with the ability to navigate tricky social situations. Being socially literate is a necessity when it comes to providing mutual support and collaborating with others, yet the significance of social skills is BLATANTLY ignored OR GOES UNMENTIONED in a substantial NUMBER of educational institutions.
Thus, if social skills were infused and integrated into our current school curriculum, it would be more relevant to students in the long run. Teachers could give compliments and praise IN ORDER to promote kindness; THEY MIGHT encourage students to effectively display and express their emotions, and SO create a socially interactive atmosphere whereby students are socially literate and are capable of supporting the overall well-being of their peers. By instilling a sense of empathy, respect, kindness and responsibility into the next generation, we will ultimately support the social, emotional, and physical WELLBEING of society as a whole.
The second area that is missing from the school curriculum is the awareness of issues RELATED personal finance.
Keeping personal spending and saving in perspective, having an early grip on personal finance, and establishing a foundation for further financial planning are highly beneficial for a teenager, whether it be their long-term financial prospects, or simply the management of their day-to-day financial needs. One of the earliest chances ONE HAS of acquainting ONESelF with financing COMES through THE MATHS AND economicS classes we HAVE at primary and secondary schools. However, educational institutions, notably those in China, prevalently dismiss personal financIAL education as insignificant, and are thereby woefully inadequate when it comes to putting mathematical and economical knowledge into practice and instilling awareness of personal finance into their students.
Therefore, from the perspective of a person’s entire lifespan, it is of paramount importance that the government (SHOULD) incorporate financial management lessons into our current education system. In conjunction with this, teachers in financial literacy classes should render assistance to students from a practical perspective rather than becoming obsessed with providing theoretical knowledge. Whilst more research regarding EXACTLY what schools should do needs to be conducted, it can be inferred, fairly conclusively, that integrating financial knowledge into our current school curriculums is a worthwhile aim. As Robert Kiyosaki, the author of THE Rich Dad Poor Dad series of books, puts it, “Academic qualifications are important and so is financial education. They’re both important and schools are forgetting one of them.”
Then again, perhaps it would be a boring world if our schools turned out model citizens.
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