Genshin Impact Most Unexpected Secret Chests! Free Primogems EXP and Artifacts!

I’ve compiled a list of secret chests that are commonly being missed out by travellers in Genshin Impact. If you like this kind of video, do let me know in the comment section below so I will do more in the future 😄 LIKE 👍 COMMENT 💬 SUBSCRIBE 🔔 TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS 🔔 📌 Timestamps 📌 00:00 | Intro Region 1: Mondstadt 00:15 | Brightcrown Canyon Waypoint - West 00:45 | Starsnatch Cliff - West 01:03 | Starfell Lake - East 01:27 | Starfell Lake - East 01:48 | Stormbearer Mounta
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