The eternal fight for Freedom of our land and our nation has been going on for centuries.
For many years, the executioners tried to enslave us, rewrite our history, destroy our culture. Despite this, Ukraine has always remained strong inside and true to what we believe in; we have always stood up and fought, and we will always continue to stand up and fight for our Freedom.
As we do now
As we have been doing for 8 years
As we have been doing for all the centuries
We dedicate this song to everyone who fights: on the front line and on the home front, with weapons in their arms and volunteering, rescuing people and supporting economics.
This is the war of us all.
And we’ll win it together.
Support Ukrainian army by buying the “Power of Freedom“ T-shirt:
“Power Of Freedom“ single is available on digital platforms:
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3 weeks ago 00:02:22 16
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