Fusionista feat. Karna - Mantra Asatoma Sat Gamaya (Live) @ Fusion Party 2017

► Что? FUSION PARTY 2017 В ISOUL CLUB ► Когда? старт полета в 21:00 ► Где? iSoul Club ► Кто: ☀Choronos☀Maiia☀Fusionista☀Okolosna☀Alex Kseno Prayer for Truth: OM ASATO MA SAT GAMAYA Веди меня от небытия к бытию Веди меня от небытия к бытию Веди меня от тьмы к свету Веди меня от смерти к бессмертию Lead me from the asat to the sat. Lead me from darkness to light. Lead me from death to immortality. 1: Om, (O Lord) Keep me not in the Unreality (of the bondage of the Phenomenal World), but lead me towards the Reality (of the Eternal Self), 2: (O Lord) Keep me not in the Darkness (of Ignorance), but lead me towards the Light (of Spiritual Knowledge), 3: (O Lord) Keep me not in the (Fear of) Death (due to the bondage of the Mortal World), but lead me towards the Immortality (gained by the Knowledge of the Immortal Self beyond Death), 4: Om, (May there be) Peace, Peace, Peace
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