Todd V Programs LIVE DEBRIEF AND Q+A 03/27/22 Пикап тодд mentoring program
Date: 03/27/22
(1:19) When does blueprint calibration become supplication?
(6:13) Any strategies to eliminate neediness from your vibe? I guess you can’t really act needy if you’re a beginner with no abundance.
(11:32) Is relative value the same as the buyer-seller dynamic?
(14:30) How to disqualify or evaluate the girl without making the girl feel defensive or getting into a combative frame?
(20:13) I guess you shouldn’t fully calibrate to her blueprint.
(21:41) I feel like monologuing your disqualifiers helps not to come off try hard.
(22:32) Last week you said you shouldn’t promise anything “providery“ before sex if that’s not your intention. Should you then tell her that it’s casual and I’ll be seeing other girls? Otherwise, I feel like it’s assumed that I’m a provider if I don’t address it early on.
(25:03) When I do cold reads or observational teases, sometimes girls call me presumptuous and say I shouldn’t be making assumptions about them. Last night, for example, I said to a hot Finnish girl wearing classy attire, “Love the look but you’re a little overdressed for here“, then she said “I just had dinner“, followed by me saying “funny how girls dress fancier for dinner than they do going out these days“. Neutral response. Then, I cold read with “I bet your Instagram is just loads of pictures of you on the beach“, and then she got offended and said that she never posts on Instagram, etc. She asked me to leave. I said I wasn’t insulting her but she asked me to leave, I couldn’t reverse the damage. Don’t know what I did wrong here. Don’t know what her blueprint was.
(29:10) How would you go about identifying and correcting low-value mannerisms, e.g. flinching at certain reactions/statements?
(31:55) If open a set with 2 girls, we take both girls’ numbers, would it be rude if we only text the girl I am interested in. Don’t wanna waste time texting her friend but would the friend put me at a disadvantage.
(33:19) How do you follow up after getting the girl’s attention by saying something intriguing about her? I feel like the girl is “attracted“ but it’s a fleeting attraction for a brief moment. How do you follow up and turn that attraction into something that lasts long?
(35:19) How do you game in a small city where you kinda have to open groups of girls on the street as a beginner?
(38:04) Is the game in the gym the same as in day game?
(39:23) How do you game girls in night game where their friends are taking her to another part of the club and you don’t have a lot of time to convey value e.g. she’s going in the bathroom or going to the dance floor with friends, moving very fast? Best strategy?
(41:55) Is it a good technique to make a girl talk more by repeating a few words from what she’s saying? For example, if she says: I’m eating a burger for dinner tonight. I say: burger? Most of the time she will explain more.
(43:19) Following up on the buyer-seller dynamic, should you have the attitude of a buyer from the start of the interaction or wait til you have enough value? Otherwise, the girl will be like “Who does he think he is“ and ignore you. Especially if she’s a hot girl.
(45:47) How would you go over the terms of the relationship after having sex? Directly like suggesting to be in an exclusive/open relationship or “command not demand“?
(47:30) How do you define “small” and “big” cities for game?
(49:05) My question was not clear. I mean, I cold approach 2 girls with one girl I am interested in. Should I only take the girl I am interested in number or should I get her friend’s number as well? Would it be rude if I ask for her friend’s number too?
(50:12) Follow up on setting terms after sex, what should I do if the girl says that she’s not into hookups and only want something meaningful and serious (before sex). It puts you in a position where you have to lie that you’re not just looking for a hookup/ something casual.
(52:06) Todd, Are you gonna do the UK meet-up for Mentoring?
(52:23) Can you make a webinar about evaluation and subtle ways of doing it? I run out of ideas on how to evaluate dates. Thank you, Todd.
(52:40) Miami meet up?
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