A 3D printed single piece guitar neck?! ft. CR-30 belt printer

In this video I show the process of making a 3D printed guitar neck out of one piece on the Creality CR-30 belt printer, AKA Naomi Wu’s 3DPrintMill. I like to print functional things and this is the first test case for the Proper extruder I designed a while ago. I haven’t printed the body yet because that’s already done before. In a future video I will design a custom guitar body and make a fully 3D printed guitar! Thanks 3D4Makers for your high quality filament! Check out and use the promo code properprinting to get 10% off! Thanks to Repkord for the wall-mount kit! Thanks 3DResyns for your insane engineering resin: and Please use one of my affiliate links to support my work: The equipment I mostly use: FDM printe
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