Through connection to rural and urban spaces we can overcome sprawl | Brad Buchanan | TEDxMileHigh

This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. What do baristas and ranchers have to learn from each other? In this inspiring talk, rancher and city-planner Brad Buchanan reveals how he combines these experiences designing spaces helping connect us to each other while preserving the groundedness that comes from access to open spaces. From this design philosophy, Brad sees a cure for urban sprawl. Brad is the executive director of Denver’s community planning and development department, which provides all short and long-range planning along with managing all zoning, permitting, inspections, and historic preservation processes for the city. During every other spare minute, Brad and his family own and operate the Flying B Bar Ranch where they raise grass-fed cattle. Brad is trained as an architect, and was elected to the fellowship program in the American Institute of Architects in 2005 as one who has made a significant contribution to architecture and society on
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