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Using a 3D normal mapped render and Control Net in Stable Diffusion, you can generate exact posed characters. You can download Synthia Wave character here: 🔔 Pledging Patreons also get the 3D model, videos Assets: 🏆 ---------------- Prompt: 🔁 “Masterpiece, 1girl, orange eyes, red hair, bob haircut style, messy hair, flowy hair, parted hair, ((oversized black jacket)), with hoodie covering the head, (cyberpunk black and red glowing jacket), ((wearing a dark navy blue school plated skirt with a red edge)), full body, looking away, leg robot joints, boots with small airplane wings, detailed skin, detailed eyes, cybernetic legs, intrinsic details, robot joint legs, insaneres, highres, 4k, 8k, intrinsic details, glowy, BREAK, (((black simple background))), flat colors, anime style“ ------------------ Steps: 150, Sampler: DPM 2M Karras, CFG scale: 8, Seed: 534641994 -
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