[Full Movie] 墨家机关术 Mohist Mechanism | 探险动作电影 Adventure & Action film HD
Synopsis: The adventure action movie “Mohist Mechanism 墨家機關術“ tells the story of Shen Tuo (played by Liu Lincheng), a successor of Mohist Mechanism, who accepts the appointment of the warden of Wuji Prison (played by Du Yuming) in order to rescue his fiancée Jiang Ren (played by Liu Jingyi) who is imprisoned in the city, enters the bottom of the city, and works with six teammates to find the mysterious Mohist treasure. However, the well-laid-out organs in the Mohist city are ever-changing and endless, and the traps are full of hidden murderous intentions. It is rumored that no one has ever been able to escape alive. Shen Tuo and his teammates began an ups and downs and exciting escape from the secret room...
故事简介: 探险动作电影《墨家机关术 Mohist Mechanism》讲述了墨家机关术传人沈拓(刘林城 饰)为解救被囚禁在机关城的未婚妻姜刃(刘静怡 饰)接受无极监狱典狱长(杜玉明 饰)的赌局,进入机关城最底部,与六名队友共同寻找神秘的墨家至宝。但墨家机关城内布局精良机关千变万化无穷无尽,陷阱遍布杀机暗藏,传言至今从未有人能够活着出来。沈拓和队友就此开始了一场跌宕起伏、扣人心弦的密室生死逃亡……
出品 Studio: 吾道南来文化传媒 Wu Dao Nan Lai Media.
制片人 Produced by: 张志鹏 Zhang Zhipeng, 杨洋 Yang Yang.
导演 Directed by: 代艺霖 Dai Yilin.
编剧 Screenplay by: 元春 Yuan Chun, 代艺霖 Dai Yilin.
主演 Starring: 刘林城 Liu Lincheng, 刘静怡 Liu Jingyi, 杜玉明 Du Yuming, 石栩慈 Shi Xuci
题材 Genres: #动作 #Action #探险 #adventure #动作片 #actionmovies #动作电影 #actionfilm
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