ANIMA™ - Online-Version [Decoder Ensemble]

Anima™ Short Edit Version of the 90 minutes Performance. AI-based Performance Piece Premiere June 2022 IRCAM Paris, Decoder Ensemble, Fonds Darstellende Künste An institute for self-optimization. A church for transcendence. A simulation space for the bored escapist. A therapy session for the traumatized self. An iteration loop to break the pattern. Which pattern? The pattern. The pattern of self. The pattern of the subject. The pattern of internal world building: This framing is clear. Imagine an AI-driven institute that creates a virtual reality simulation of your life and human constellations. An explorative space, in which a computer entity shapes every interaction and communication - like in an extended therapy session. ANIMATM is a center to which people go to enter a simulated situation exemplifying passages and moments of their life - with changing parameters and modified realities. It is an AI-driven scenario run by a computer to provide psychologic insight or transcendental enlightenment. It is a process of letting go one’s ego and body and surrender to a constantly changing, intensifying setting, in which the world dissolves together with the person entering. It brings to life the future and the past and animates the virtual. It operates at the border of the object and the subject, between biology and technology - and between enlightenment and self-dissolving. Team: Artistic director, composer: Alexander Schubert Choreography: Patricia Carolin Mai Video: Lucas Gutierrez Scenography: Stefan Britze Costumes: Felina Levits Lights: Diego Muhr Ircam electronics: Thomas Goepfer, Dionysios Papanicolaou Sound distribution: Luca Bagnoli Scientific collaboration with Ircam-STMS (ACIDS): Antoine Caillon, Philippe Esling Performance: Decoder-Ensemble , Carola Schaal, Jonathan Shapiro, Andrej Koroliov, Leopold Hurt, Sonja Lena Schmid, Guy Marsan, Si-Ying Fung, Ines Assoul,Stefanie Inhelder, Lise Herdam! Text Assistance: Michael Brailey Production: Lisa Brunmayr, Mirella Frenzel, Dennis Naehr Commissioned by: Ircam-Centre Pompidou
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