Charlemagne - Massacre of the Saxons - Christopher Lee

Massacre Of the Saxons - The Omens of Death - Charlemagne Vinyl rip : Technics SL-220/Ortofon OM 10 through Jason A-2-25 amp (tubes). Roland Quad-capture. Lyrics: Does a man have to fight all his life? Only in death to take flight to the skies Warmongers vie to take my throne No respect is ever shown To Pope, or Prince, nor man, nor beast And steal our cattle for to feast No Earthly princeling mind shall take For scandalous idolatry so fake In borderland raids They came in their hordes Ransacking villages Taking the spoils With nothing to lose And possessions few Bold Sturdy Fearless and cruel! Defiant of Baptism on pain of death Tough measures call for me to be ruthless To set an example to the rebels Draconian for their worship of devils How many times did I venture forth To the extreme wilderness of the north? To subdue those whose hatred was great Against churches and priests of our Christi
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