KOREA: British troops in Korea (1950)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit British and American troops move through Korea to capital Full Description: Gaumont British Ident SLATE INFORMATION: Outposts of Democracy KOREA: EXT BRIDGES U.S tank crosses Bailey Bridge type past Natives of N. Korea KOREA. British troops enter twisted mass of metal. Everything wrecked.. station trains coaches burned out.. Snipers rounded by British and Dominion forces. North Koreans wave and cheer as they sweep on over Bailey Bridge to Manchurian border. MILITARY BRITISH British troops withDominion troops move thro...ugh Pyongyan clearing out snipers thro’ utter wreckage. Korean War, planes, infanty, wartime, snipers, Background: British and American troops move through Korea to capital FILM ID: VLVA68ANYH5T5FKFPRO5BD70XYTW9 To license this film, visit
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