1950s East Africa Travelogue, Lake Victoria, Tourism, Islands, Home Movies, 16mm

1950s East Africa Travelogue, Lake Victoria, Tourism, Islands, Home Movies, 16mm from the Kinolibrary Archive Film Collections. Clip ref KLR1695. For commercial projects only. To order the clip clean and high res, or to find out more, visit . Available in 2K. Subscribe for more high quality, rare and inspiring clips from our extensive archive of footage. 1950s, EXT Day, Lake Victoria,Static L/A View Over Coastline, Sea, Ocean, Shore, Trees On Shore, Tropical Landscapes. Pan L-R, R-L Over Lake Victoria, Sea, Ocean, Small Islands In Distance, Tropical Islands. Pan L-R Over Coastline, Tropical Landscapes, Sea, River, Coast, Jungle, Trees, Forest. Pan Over Traditional, Small, River Boat, Painted Blue, White, Red. Find more archive footage of Africa Travel Home Movies here: Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Travel. Kinolibrary is a commercial archive film agency supplying high quality, rare and inspiring footage to media
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