Fascism in Modern Russia: What led to Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine? Part 2

As the war continues and the number of victims and amount of destruction grows, Moscow’s rhetoric about “neo-Nazis“, “fascism“ and the supposedly necessary “denazification“ of Ukrainians remains unchanged. Each of these words has become a meaningless insult to be used against one’s political oppoinents. In order to best understand what is going on in Russia at this moment, TV Rain Journalist Konstantin Goldenzweig decided to look at the history and origin of these concepts: Europe in the 1930s, and find out whether these situations can truly be seen as a reflection of each other. In the second part of the film, he draws parallels between Russian and German propaganda, methods of conflict initiation and domestic response to war. Has the country that helped defeat the existential threat of fascism in the 1940s now taken up its mantle so many decades later? Fascism in Modern Russia: The Parallels with Hitler’s Germany. Part 1 watch here: If you want to support independent journalism in Russia and help combat state propaganda, follow this link to donate: - - Follow us on twitter #news #russia #putin
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