A new human is coming into the world, and a
new epoch with it, and this work is an invaluable part of this Great Change. Enjoy the
fact that you are standing at the coalface,
mining the diamonds for future generations.
Take a deep breath and be grateful that you
are here at the threshold of such a change…
~ Richard Rudd ~
~ ॐ💜ॐ ~
Purification is simply the process of bringing your Light, which is Truth, into every place where your Light ceased to shine for a moment, a day, a year, a lifetime, or aeons. And it is your own Light that must shine into those places, and restore Truth, and release all false identities. Embracing these words may seem like a simple matter that is only words, lacking substance. But believe me, your words create reality more than you even know - especially when you deeply feel the intention behind the words. So let us affirm together:
“ I Am the beauty, th
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