Lines of Force - A Symposium on Althusser and His Contemporaries, Fouth Panel and Montag’s Response
Celebrating 10 years of Warren Montag’s Althusser and His Contemporaries!
November 13, 2023
Fourth Panel:
(00:32) Juan Dal Maso - A member of the Party of Socialist Workers (PTS) and member of the Editorial Board of Ideas de Izquierda Semanario (Argentina). He is author of the books El marxismo de Gramsci (2016), translated into Portuguese and Italian, Hegemonía y lucha de clases (2018), translated into English, Althusser y Sacristán, Itinerarios de dos comunistas críticos, written with Ariel Petruccelli (2020) and Mariátegui. Teoría y revolución (2023).
(11:42) Joseph Serrano - PhD candidate in English with a designated emphasis in Critical Theory at the University of California, Berkeley. He works on 17th and 18th English literature, early modern philosophy, and 20th century French philosophy. His dissertation examines the link between concepts and conceits in 17th and 18th century poetry and philosophy, especially in the works of Margaret Cavendish