Japan vs. The Islamic State

The brutal beheadings of Japanese nationals Kenji Goto and Haruna Yukawa by the Islamic State in January have shocked the island nation and lent momentum to an effort to expand the limitations imposed on its constitution and military after its defeat by the United States in World War II. Leftists in Japan fear that the incident will encourage a departure from the country’s pacifist constitution, whose Article 9 states that “the Japanese people forever renounce… the threat or use of force as a means of settling international disputes.“ Right-wingers, meanwhile, see an opportunity to allow Japan to assert itself as a truly sovereign state. VICE News reports from Japan as its prime minister and right wing are pushing for re-militarization of the pacifist nation, amid protests from the left who staunchly oppose any changes to Article 9 of the constitution. Watch “Russia’s Ghost Army in Ukraine” - Read “Islamic State Killings Pit Japan’s Righ
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