Future UI Sound Effects Library | Modern and Sci Fi Interface and HUD sounds | Audio assets

Future UI is a sound library for modern and futuristic sci-fi interfaces, worn computer terminals, HUDs and holograms! Get it now at (save 40% until August 14th) The library contains a versatile palette of more than 750 sounds to help bring your games, film and motion to life. Control a rich array of Sci Fi sounds for a multiverse of sonic possibility, including: Activation and Deactivation Alerts and Pings Ambience and Loops Clicks and Buttons Data and Telemetry Energy and Motion Errors and Alarms Holographic Chimes Holographic Interaction Mechanisms Menu Navigation Noise and Glitch Old Terminal Open and Close Scanners Also suitable to enhance (ENHANCE!) Twitch or YouTube streams with Sci-Fi visuals and motion graphics. As an aside – would a UI art asset pack similar to the trailer be useful? Let me know in the comments below! #gameaudio #filmmaking #soundeffects #videoediting #sounddesign #soundeff
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