Stimming presents modern classics: Teenage Engineering OP-1

We once again return to our Modern Classics series with host Martin Stimming taking a look at Teenage Engineering’s infamous OP-1. This cult classic has been lauded by many a producer since its initial release back in 2011. The toy like interface and portability of this synthesiser and sampler made it a perfect on the road accompaniment for many touring acts. The featuring 24 keys, built in microphone, fm radio and eleven synth engines open up a world of possibility from this compact and versatile synthesizer/sampler. Here we see Stimming look under the hood to dissect his likes/dislikes and dig deeper into the work of Stockholm-based Teenage Engineering’s most iconic machine. Information: This YouTube channel is completely independent. Your support enables us to produce quality tech content, and any donation is much appreciated Paypal: You can meet Stimming at this year’s Superbooth at booth w240 #stimming #review #op1 #teenageengineering @Stimming_official http://stimmi
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