Can The Warrior of Light Defeat Malenia of Elden Ring? A Tribute to Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker [ NG7, No Damage, Solo ]
I am compelled to do this, it is non-negotiable! Period. Endwalker’s writing is such a masterpiece and served a fitting end to its initial arc. I’ve reached a point where I will never be tired of sharing it with others. So I need to share the game in my way. Now, I told myself in the past that Final Fantasy XIV is a game where I can be free or enjoy without making that much content so I can just game. It is where I unwind. But tributes like these will not hurt that much although I have poured a tremendous amount of effort into this, I gotta do what I gotta do. Not that I don’t love Elden Ring, you all know how much I’m still into it. Soulsborne and Final Fantasy series are very close titles to me so it is an honor to do this. This video is a tribute to both Elden Ring and Final Fantasy 14 fans out there. I hope I’ve built a connection between these worlds and communities. Enjoy the video and I would like to thank and dedicate this video to the following for creating such a wonderful game.
The last two characters are mine and my very close friend. The Samurai and White Mage.
► Square Enix’s FFXIV Team
Naoki Yoshida
Masayoshi Soken
Nobuo Uematsu
Yoshitaka Amano
Michael-Christopher Koji Fox
Jason Charles Miller
Natsuko Ishikawa
Banri Oda
The Primals
Creative Business Unit III
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The Final Day Part 1 ( Ensinger Theme )
The Final Day Part 2 ( With Hearts Aligned )
Close in the Distance ( Primal Version )
► More On These Titles:
► Elden Ring
Is a 2022 action role-playing game developed by FromSoftware and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment. It was directed by Hidetaka Miyazaki with worldbuilding provided by fantasy writer George R. R. Martin. The game was released for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S on February 25.
In Elden Ring, players control a customizable player character on a journey to repair the Elden Ring and become the new Elden Lord. The game is presented through a third-person perspective, with players freely roaming its interactive open world. Gameplay elements include combat using several types of weapons and magic spells, horseback riding and crafting.
► Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker
Is the fourth expansion pack to Final Fantasy XIV, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) developed and published by Square Enix for Microsoft Windows, macOS, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5. It was released on December 7, 2021, over two years after Shadowbringers, the previous expansion, with its production delayed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Like its predecessors, Naoki Yoshida served as director and producer and Masayoshi Soken composed the soundtrack. The expansion pack was released as a standalone product for current players; for new players, the “Complete Edition“ that originally launched with Heavensward was updated to include all expansions including Endwalker.
In Endwalker, players as the Warrior of Light travel to the secluded nation of Sharlayan to seek help in handling the approaching Final Days, an apocalyptic event that threatens to destroy the entire world. Meanwhile, Zenos, the mad son of the former emperor of Garlemald, has murdered his father and now seeks a final confrontation with the Warrior of Light.
Credits to the following Sources:
FFXIV Sound Team
#ffxiv #ffxivendwalker #eldenring #malenia #warrioroflight
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