Fortíð - Son of a Barren Land [official music video] - Viking Black Metal (Iceland)

Order now: FORTIÐ release the “World Serpent“! With this dark and deadly duology, mastermind Einar Eldur Thorberg delivers an album of two parts: The first five tracks were recorded with the former Norwegian line-up. The other songs are a creation of the multi-instrumentalist after changing his residence back to Iceland and enlisting the support of drummer Kristján Einar Guðmundsson (KONTINUUM) with whom he had previously collaborated in the native cult act POTENTIAM. “World Serpent“ is loosely based on a unifying apocalyptic theme, but also a beast of two faces. The first half witnesses FORTIÐ subtly experimenting with influences of Bay Area Thrash, while the second half returns to a more black metal approach with screams and clean vocals. Although both parts have diverging musical visions and even different line-ups, they complement each other rather than constitute two separate entities. Despite some subt
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